Sunday, July 26, 2009


Yeah yeah se a vida e, what I thought was terribly cliched and shamelessly flicked off from one of my favourite pet shop boy songs - but it's nice and it's in another language and I couldn't think of anything else :)

I don't know what I want to start this blog with. But I was looking through my pictures today and wanting desperately to go on another trip somewhere, during which time I figured that if I had this blog to myself to put down all kinds of memories as seemingly irrelevant as they seem, it might make for a fun read. So, here's this picture (from Kerala) of our canoe rower? boater? boatist? LOL, you know the guy that can row a boat, you can't and therefore, he's kind enough to take you around the canals of Alleppey for a price? That guy!

It's the magic and beauty of everything in that picture, aside from imaginations of the rower of course, that makes me want to put this pic up. Sigh want to go back!